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Started new treatments

So we are home and navigating getting the house handicap accessible the rear chair stair lifts are in and e mastered them. I use voice recognition and please forgive all the errors and just try to sound it out it’s the only way I’ll actually be able to blog… So the treatment is called Avistan google info on it - My 80 year old and is getting injected into her eyes and it’s helping with blindness it might be a numerical driver who knows! They are hope is it will work on the swelling so I can take her off the steroids which are not doing well by me. I am having muscle atrophy rage can’t sleep water weight puffiness swollen face that kind of stuff with the steroids… no bueno

they needed me to discharge from the inpatient Shirley Ryan so that I could start these treatments through rush. My first infusion was on Friday and it went smoothly it was for 30 minutes and I didn’t feel a thing and I didn’t even feel fatigued or anything afterwards I actually felt better. That first night Friday night I could move my left leg for the first time with my brain from the hip just a few inches but it was a big deal. And I feel stronger now that I’m doing physical therapy three days a week so everything is going well and improving so far which is encouraging it was not looking good there for a little while. Gaining strength.

I will have two more infusions after this and then an MRI in early April to see how things are looking in terms of the swelling in my brain. It’s apparently the swelling causing a lot of the mobility issues and hopefully the infusions will help etc. in combination with all the other treatments and physical and application therapy. That’s all fo

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